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Logo da Bridge Ministry
Image by Patrik Gƶthe

It all began on February 10, 2001,

in the city of Corte Madera,

California and we have been run by the Holy Spirit.

It is our VISION to win people for Jesus Christ, in the San Francisco Bay Area and as far as God will take us.

For this reason, we have the MISSION to go to people and make them happy with the message of Jesus Christ.

With a modern, lively and vibrant CHARACTER, we love people AND believe in all spiritual gifts.

Bridge Ministry's Mission is to Glorify GOD by celebrating His presence,

communicating His message, educating His people and showing His love.

And in everything, we seek an environment of compassion, integrity and hope.

Ephesians 3: 20-21.

Man Walking in Fields

Bridge Ministry's strategy - Community Church

is to take the Word of GOD to every individual residing in the
San Francisco Bay Area and in the world,
aiming to form true disciples of Jesus Christ.



1. Love GOD ABOVE all things.

2. Respect the church authorities.

3. Take care of the heritage of the House of God.

4. Honor visitors.

5. Have a heart that is grateful to GOD.

6. Participate in and support the services with joy.

7. Participate in a Small Group (PG`s).

8. Be a faithful tither.

"And he said to them," Go into all the world, preach the gospel to every creature. " Mark 16:15

WHATSAPP 510 221 6402 |


5435 San Pablo Dam Rd, El Sobrante, 94803 CA


298 San Bruno Ave. Brisbane, 94005 CA


5461 Paradise Dr. Corte Madera, 94925 CA

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© 2023 Bridge Ministry

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